
Marine Park in Coron Wins Coveted "Blue Park" Award

by on Jul 17, 2024 | 11:07 AM
Edited: Jul 26, 2024 | 12:07 AM

Siete Pecados Marine Park in the town of Coron has achieved a huge win by becoming one of three marine protected areas in the world to be given the renowned Blue Park Award at the 9th Our Ocean Conference in Athens, Greece.

There are now a total of three Blue Parks in the Philippines, two of which include: the Apo Reef Natural Park in Occidental Mindoro–which was recognized in 2022–and the Tubbataha Natural Marine Park, a World Heritage Site in Cagayancillo, Palawan, which was awarded the honor in 2017.

The Marine Conservation Institute (MCI)'s Blue Parks initiative unites the best marine protected areas (MPA) with the committed people who support them, creating a tactical network with the goal of conserving marine life.

What to see in Siete Pecados

The seven little rocky islands that comprise Siete Pecados Marine Park are located not far from Coron town's coast. 

The goal of Siete Pecados is to preserve and safeguard Coron's coastal habitats, especially from the negative effects of overfishing.

Seagrass meadows, mangrove forests, and coral reefs are all protected within the 1.8 km2 coastal ocean that makes up Siete Pecados. These ecosystems are distinctive of the area and are home to a number of endangered and threatened species, such as humphead wrasse, dugongs, and hawksbill sea turtles.

The U.S. non-profit organization MCI organized a panel of international experts in marine conservation to select the Blue Park Award winners based on standards derived from the scientific evaluation of the effectiveness of marine protected areas.

Snorkeling in the area

Snorkelers and divers alike have long praised Siete Pecados for its colorful underwater environment. When diving beneath Siete Pecados' glistening surface, one is met right away by the marine life, which is teeming with colorful fish and coral.

Siete Pecados Marine Park, with its glistening blue seas and vibrant marine life, is a living example of the splendor of nature and the rich tradition that has been passed down through the ages.