Search Results for " prostate cancer"

Health & Wellness BIR Adds 15 Medicines To VAT-Exempt List To Reduce Healthcare Costs
August 28, 2024

BIR Adds 15 Medicines To VAT-Exempt List To Reduce Healthcare Costs


The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has broadened its VAT exemption list to include 15 additional medicines, aiming to ease the financial strain on individuals needing crucial treatments for cancer, high cholesterol, hypertension, and mental health conditions. Read more »

Health & Wellness UP-PGH Launches Modern ICU Equipment To Improve Health Service
August 14, 2024

UP-PGH Launches Modern ICU Equipment To Improve Health Service


To better serve Filipinos, particularly those with cancer, the University of the Philippines—Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH) unveiled its latest cutting-edge facility and equipment which will be used by its Central Intensive Care Unit (CENICU). Read more »

Health & Wellness House Approves Medical Cannabis Legislation with Overwhelming Majority
July 31, 2024

House Approves Medical Cannabis Legislation with Overwhelming Majority


On July 30, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to pass House Bill (HB) No.10439, known as the “Access to Medical Cannabis Act.” Read more »

Health & Wellness UP Diliman Scientists Identify Key Protein Driving Aggressive Prostate Cancer
July 22, 2024

Breakthrough Discovery: UP Diliman Scientists Identify Key Protein Driving Aggressive Prostate Cancer


Researchers from the University of the Philippines (UP) Diliman have made a significant breakthrough in the study of prostate cancer by identifying a key protein that drives the disease towards its most aggressive form, neuroendocrine prostate cancer (NEPC). Read more »

Local Filipina Lay Catechist's Path to Sainthood: Vatican Approves Inquiry
July 12, 2024

Filipina Lay Catechist's Path to Sainthood: Vatican Approves Inquiry


The Vatican has granted the Diocese of Pasig the opportunity to explore the potential sainthood of Laureana Franco, known affectionately as "Ka Luring," a dedicated lay catechist from Taguig. Read more »

Environment 2,000 Children Die Daily from Air Pollution, Report Reveals
June 21, 2024

2,000 Children Die Daily from Air Pollution, Report Reveals


Nearly 2,000 children die daily from health issues linked to air pollution, highlighting a critical global health crisis. According to a recent report by the US-based Health Effects Institute, air pollution was the second leading risk factor for early death in 2021. Read more »