
Breaking The Cycle: Confronting Toxic Behaviors In Filipino Culture

by DitoSaPilipinas.com on Sep 10, 2024 | 10:09 AM
Edited: Sep 13, 2024 | 11:09 PM

Filipinos are globally admired for their warmth and hospitality, yet some entrenched cultural traits hinder our progress. To advance as a society, we must confront and address these toxic behaviors. Here’s a look at key issues and ways to foster positive change.

Filipino Time: A Persistent Problem

“Filipino Time” is often equated with being late, a norm that reflects a broader disregard for punctuality. While traffic is a common excuse, the real issue lies in a cultural tendency to prioritize personal convenience over respecting others' time. To address this, we should adopt a more disciplined approach to scheduling and punctuality, setting new standards that others will follow.

Ningas Cogon Mentality: Short-Lived Enthusiasm

The term “Ningas Cogon” describes the tendency to start projects with enthusiasm but abandon them quickly. This pattern of initial excitement followed by disengagement undermines progress. To break this cycle, evaluate your commitment before starting new ventures. Emphasizing perseverance and reliability can help move beyond this fleeting enthusiasm and achieve lasting success.

Insensitive Greetings: “Tumaba Ka!”

Comments like “Tumaba ka!” (You’ve gained weight!) upon reuniting are not only intrusive but can also be hurtful. This type of greeting reflects a broader insensitivity to personal boundaries. Instead, opt for a more respectful approach such as “Uy, kumusta?” (Hey, how are you?). This fosters a supportive social environment and strengthens connections.

Colonial Mentality: A Legacy of Inferiority

Colonial mentality, a holdover from our colonial past, manifests as a preference for foreign products and values over our own. This mindset suggests that foreign is inherently superior. To combat this, embrace and support Filipino culture and products. Celebrating our heritage and local businesses can shift perceptions and enhance national pride.

“Bahala Na” Attitude: Resilience or Recklessness?

While resilience is a strength, the “bahala na” (come what may) attitude can lead to recklessness and avoidable problems. Balancing optimism with proactive planning can prevent missed opportunities and setbacks. Adopting a mindset of “I got this” rather than “bahala na” can improve outcomes and mitigate risks.

Parents as Financial Dependents: A Misguided Expectation

Expecting children to be financial saviors for parents in economic hardship places undue pressure on the younger generation. Modern family planning should focus on financial stability before starting a family. Addressing this issue can promote healthier family dynamics and reduce the financial burden on children.

Moving Forward: Embracing Change and Celebrating Strengths

As we confront these toxic traits, it's essential to remember the positive aspects of Filipino culture that we should continue to nurture. By addressing these issues head-on and promoting constructive change, we can build a society that reflects our best qualities while working to overcome our shortcomings.