
Basilan Implements Vigilant Measures to Combat ASF Threat

by on Jun 05, 2024 | 09:06 AM
Edited: Jun 11, 2024 | 11:06 PM

In response to the escalating concerns surrounding the presence of African Swine Fever (ASF), Basilan has swiftly taken action to mitigate the risk posed by this viral disease. Governor Hadjiman Hataman-Salliman recently issued Executive Order No. 2024-06, introducing a series of temporary measures aimed at safeguarding the local swine population and protecting the region's agricultural integrity.

The executive order, effective immediately upon issuance on June 3, entails a comprehensive ban on the transportation, entry, exit, and movement of all live pigs, pork, and associated products and by-products within Basilan, encompassing Lamitan City as well. This proactive step aligns with the urgent need to contain the spread of ASF, which has been detected in several areas within the province.

Thanks to the findings of Dr. Sharmaine Tutuh, the provincial veterinarian who confirmed ASF presence through positive blood samples from pigs in various barangays of Lamitan City, Governor Salliman's decision reflects a commitment to prioritize public health and agricultural sustainability. Recognizing the detrimental impact ASF can have on the swine industry, food security, and the livelihoods of farmers, stringent biosecurity protocols are now mandated across the region.

Community Engagement and Surveillance

A key aspect of the enacted measures involves active community involvement and surveillance. Governor Salliman has urged pig farmers to promptly report any unusual pig mortalities to designated veterinary authorities to facilitate swift response and containment efforts. Additionally, routine health monitoring of swine populations throughout the province has been mandated, underscoring the proactive stance against ASF transmission.

In tandem with these initiatives, hotels and food establishments are required to adhere to strict waste disposal protocols to prevent inadvertent transmission of ASF. By ensuring proper management of food waste, these establishments play a crucial role in supporting the containment efforts and minimizing the risk of ASF proliferation.

Local Government Support and Economic Recovery

Furthermore, local government support is integral to mitigating the socio-economic repercussions of ASF outbreaks. Lamitan Mayor Roderick Furigay has pledged financial assistance to affected hog raisers, offering relief in the form of P2,500 per head for culled hogs. Moreover, the provision of sentinel pigs as a start-up initiative underscores the commitment to restoring economic stability and food security in affected areas following the requisite quarantine period.