
Urbanization Caused Flooding, Says DENR Official

by on Sep 06, 2024 | 10:09 AM
Edited: Sep 18, 2024 | 06:09 PM

In light of the ongoing rains brought on by the southwest monsoon and a strong tropical storm named "Enteng," an official from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) revealed that the primary cause of the recent floods in Metro Manila is urbanization.

DENR Undersecretary Carlos Primo David blamed the extensive urbanization of Metro Manila for the severe flooding.

“When the area is paved, no rainwater will enter the ground. If we compare how much area is covered by quarries versus how much area is covered by cities and urbanized areas, walang (there is no) comparison at all,” he said.

Not quarrying

He went on to say that the flood is primarily not caused by the quarrying operations in Rizal, unlike what many have been saying.

“We’re talking about 350 hectares of quarry versus more than 20,000 hectares of urbanized area,” David added. 

He added that despite this, the department would continue looking into these quarrying operations to find out how much of a role they had in the flooding.

“But definitely, categorically, I can say, we could not blame the quarry operations for the flooding that we are experiencing here in Metro Manila,” David said.

Finding solution in Wawa Dam

David added that the department is considering restoring the historic Wawa Dam in Rodriguez, Rizal, which would lessen flooding in Metro Manila and Rizal.

“One potential project that we wish to do is the old Wawa Dam. If you remember, the Wawa Dam seemed like a waterfall,” he said.

Additionally, he noted, it might provide Metro Manila residents with an additional water source.

“It is a dam that is no longer functioning. It does not store water because it just flows continuously. You can raise it a little, like one or two meters, so that when a big storm comes, you drain it to make more room. That will become an impoundment and reduce flooding downstream.”