
New Child Protection Office In PH Established To Address Surge In Child Exploitation Cases

by on Aug 09, 2024 | 10:08 AM
Edited: Aug 14, 2024 | 11:08 PM

In response to a troubling rise in Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) cases, the Philippine government has taken a decisive step by establishing a dedicated office to enhance child protection measures. On August 6, 2024, Executive Order (EO) No. 67 was issued, creating the Presidential Office for Child Protection (POCP) to tackle these growing concerns with a unified and comprehensive approach.

Centralizing Efforts to Combat Child Exploitation

The newly created POCP will operate under the Office of the President and be led by a Presidential Adviser for Child Protection (PACP). This strategic positioning aims to improve the coordination and effectiveness of child protection initiatives throughout the country. The POCP’s primary responsibilities include overseeing and harmonizing government policies related to child welfare, anti-OSAEC measures, anti-Child Sexual Abuse or Exploitation Materials (CSAEM), and child trafficking.

Under EO 67, the POCP will monitor the implementation of existing policies and recommend new measures to the President. The office is also charged with ensuring that government efforts are integrated and avoid duplication, thereby streamlining the national response to child protection issues.

Enhancing Collaboration at National and International Levels

A critical component of the POCP’s mandate is to strengthen collaboration with national and international bodies. The office will work closely with the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking (IACAT) and the National Coordination Center to develop and implement effective strategies against OSAEC, CSAEM, and child trafficking. Additionally, it will partner with civil society organizations to update and enhance the National Plan of Action for Children.

On the international front, the POCP will represent the Philippines in relevant global forums and ensure compliance with international agreements, such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This international engagement aims to align national strategies with global standards and best practices in child protection.