Lifestyle & Features

On Barbie Hsu’s Death: How The Flu Affects Human Body

by on Feb 04, 2025 | 11:02 AM
Edited: Feb 21, 2025 | 12:02 AM

Barbie Hsu, a Taiwanese actress famous for her role as Shan Cai in the original Meteor Garden, passed away unexpectedly, shocking everyone who had seen her performances. 

When Hsu died, she was just 48 years old. According to Barbie's sister Dee, who spoke through her agent, Barbie died of pneumonia after catching influenza while traveling to Japan for the Lunar New Year.

The flu is all too frequently mistaken for any other mild disease that can be treated in a day or two. Here is why it is crucial to be cautious about it.

How the flu affects the body

When someone inhales droplets from an infected person's cough or sneeze, the flu virus usually enters the body through the mouth, nose, or eyes. 

Immune responses are responsible for many of the flu’s symptoms, including fever, chills, body aches, and fatigue. While this reaction is essential for fighting the infection, it can also cause inflammation that contributes to overall discomfort. This can lead to pneumonia, a severe lung infection or inflammation in which the air sacs fill with pus and other liquid, preventing oxygen from entering the circulation.

Pneumonia is frequently brought on by the flu, particularly in susceptible groups such as pregnant women, small children, the elderly, and people with underlying heart or lung conditions. Cases of influenza-induced pneumonia are typically more severe and fatal.

With hardly any outward indications of lung tissue filling with fluid, the flu virus enters the lungs and grows. A subsequent bacterial invasion may aggravate viral pneumonia.

Preventing the flu

The best defense against the flu is yearly vaccination, which guards against the most prevalent and dangerous types.

Frequent handwashing, avoiding direct contact with sick people, and keeping a healthy immune system through exercise and a balanced diet are other protective strategies.

Antiviral drugs are one type of treatment for those who get the flu; if given early, they help lessen the intensity and length of symptoms. Other symptom management strategies include rest, drinking plenty of water, and using over-the-counter painkillers.