Business & Tech

P3.681 Billion Boosts Free Public Wi-Fi Expansion

by on Aug 22, 2024 | 12:08 PM
Edited: Aug 31, 2024 | 05:08 PM

The Philippine government is significantly enhancing its Free Public Internet Access Program (FPIAP) with an additional P3.681 billion, according to the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). This substantial funding increase aims to broaden the availability of free Wi-Fi nationwide.

Substantial Funding Boost

The DBM has allocated the extra funds to the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) to advance the FPIAP. This supplementary budget adds to the existing P2.5 billion designated for the program in Fiscal Year 2024, supporting the development of critical digital infrastructure such as towers, data centers, and internet connections.

Expanding Connectivity Nationwide

With the additional P3.681 billion, the program will establish and maintain 13,462 new access points across various locations. The goal is to enhance and expand the ICT infrastructure to ensure reliable internet connectivity in public areas, particularly in underserved regions.

Urgency in Implementation

Budget Secretary Amenah Pangandaman has emphasized the need for prompt action. “Our free Wi-Fi Program is moving forward,” Pangandaman said. “This additional budget reaffirms our commitment to providing inclusive and accessible internet for all.” She urged the DICT to expedite fund disbursement and accelerate the program’s rollout, underscoring the critical need for improved internet access throughout the country.

This increased funding highlights a strong commitment to improving digital connectivity and ensuring that all Filipinos benefit from reliable internet services.