Business & Tech

DEVCON To Hold Mindanao Summit To Boost Region’s Tech Scene

by on May 03, 2024 | 12:05 PM
Edited: May 12, 2024 | 10:05 PM

Developers Connect (Devcon) Philippines–the country's largest network of technology specialists, developers, and IT enthusiasts–, will launch the 2024 Devcon Summit in Mindanao on June 29 and 30 in Davao City with the goal of boosting the region's booming tech scene.

With its theme "Weaving Tech for All," Devcon Mindanao Summit 2024  is expected to bring together the most prominent group of tech fans, developers, and experts in the region.

The summit seeks to alter Mindanao's business climate by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to drive inclusive innovation.

Featuring top professionals

The summit will include case studies on leading industries like healthcare, retail, agriculture, construction, and academia, as well as talks and panels led by the most innovative and tech-savvy people in Mindanao.

About 800 to 1,000 tech enthusiasts and experts from various sectors across the island are prepared to join. 

“We want to showcase what is best in Mindanao because right now, our biggest problem in Mindanao is na drain tayo sa mga talents and we wanted to showcase opportunities, work, and invest in Mindanao," said Jaymar Somosot, vice president for technology, National Office, Devcon Philippines.

Backed by tech hubs

Prominent national business IT hubs, such as Accenture, CoDev, Talino Venture Studios, Internet Computer Protocol Hub, Ingenuity, Ever Accountable, IONA, and Nuxify, will support and sponsor the summit.

“There are no specific tech conferences here, in Mindanao that really [focus] on how to use the tech [as] most are showcasing the products [and] not engaging the product itself,” said Somosot.

In order to encourage an open approach to inclusive innovation, the Devcon team also got support from academia, the government, and businesses throughout Mindanao, particularly in Iligan, Davao, Bukidnon, and Cagayan de Oro.