Business & Tech

DOST Transforms Baguio City into a Smart City with P17-Million Project

by on Apr 23, 2024 | 09:04 AM
Edited: May 29, 2024 | 11:05 PM

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) unveiled a groundbreaking initiative on Monday, April 22, marking a significant stride towards transforming Baguio City into a smart and sustainable urban hub. With a P17-million investment, the DOST's smart city project aims to revolutionize urban management through the strategic application of data science and artificial intelligence (AI).

Addressing Environmental Concerns

Led by Secretary Dr. Renato U. Solidum Jr., the DOST handed over the outputs of the Project Monitoring of Indicators for Efficient Redevelopment and Value Assessment (MINERVA) to Baguio City Mayor Benjamin Magalong on April 15. This move underscores the commitment to address pressing environmental challenges faced by the iconic tourist destination.

Empowering Informed Decision-Making

The project is poised to equip Baguio City with cutting-edge data analytics and decision-making tools across various domains, including tourism management, traffic control, air quality monitoring, and water supply quality. By harnessing predictive models and real-time data, city planners and administrators can make proactive decisions to enhance the city's livability and sustainability.

"Air quality and water supply and quality can be monitored, and forecast models provided to city planners and administrators," highlighted the DOST.

Improving Quality of Life

Emphasizing the project's mission, the DOST underscored its dedication to enhancing the lives of Baguio residents through data-driven initiatives. By fostering innovation and leveraging technology, the initiative aims to create a more resilient and prosperous urban environment for all inhabitants.

Science and Technology for Sustainable Growth

Secretary Solidum emphasized the pivotal role of science and technology in overcoming the challenges faced by metropolitan centers like Baguio City. He highlighted the potential of these innovations to propel sustainable growth and development, positioning science and technology at the core of smart and sustainable communities.

"In the heart of a smart and sustainable community are science, technology, and innovation," remarked Secretary Solidum.

Paving the Way for Future Cities

Executive Director Paringit reiterated the DOST's commitment to advancing smart city initiatives during the event. He presented the Smart Cities Roadmap, outlining comprehensive plans to support cities through infrastructure development, human capital investment, and digital literacy programs. With a forward-looking vision, the DOST aims to establish digitally equipped cities that harness the full potential of smart technology.

"This is intended to establish a digitally equipped city utilizing smart technology, with the aid of the smart city roadmap," affirmed Executive Director Paringit.